10月末に US で行われた Build 2012 という開発者向けイベントのセッションビデオが Channel 9 で公開されています。
そのうち、SharePoint と Office に関するセッションだけをフィルタしました。
- What’s New for Developers in Office 2013 and SharePoint 2013
- Building apps for Office and SharePoint 2013 using the web technologies you know and love, Part 1
- Building apps for Office and SharePoint 2013 using the web technologies you know and love, Part 2
- Apps for Office and SharePoint development using the all new browser-based "Napa" and Visual Studio 2012
- Building end-to-end apps for SharePoint with Windows Azure and Windows 8
- Developing an app for SharePoint autohosted in Windows Azure Web Sites with an autoprovisioned in Azure SQL Database
- Developing for Windows Azure Web Sites and SharePoint Online